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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Best ways to earn money from Google.blogger,youtube,google play store,google adsense,google Adword

How to earn money from Google.blogger,youtube,google play store,google adsense,google Adword

If you have searched Google on "How to earn money from Google ", then let us tell you that there are unlimited ways to earn money online from Google and as the world is getting digital, the ways of earning money from the internet are increasing even more.  So everyone wants to know about how to earn money from internet. So today, we are going to tell you about five such ways to earn money from Google. Which you can earn money online from Google Company.

5 ways to earn money from Google.

We all know that Google is the largest company in the world. Whose name does the child know? If we want to know anything, then we search on google. Moreover, we get the answer to our every question. Like you searched " How to earn money from Google " and you got your answer. Do you know? That you can earn money from Google at home. Google gives you many such platforms by using which you can earn money from google. The most reliable way to earn money on the internet from google is that anyone can earn money online. In today's time there are many people who earn 50 $ -100 $ or more every day from google. If you also want to earn money from Google and there is a lot of seriousness for this, then this post is just for you. We are going to tell you about 5 ways to earn money from google.

By creating a blog of your own. The blog works just like a website. But to make a website, you have to spend thousands of money, while using this service of google you can make a blog for free. The number of people earning money from blog is increasing day by day. Because this is a way that you can earn 50 $ to 100 $ every day. Making your blog is a very easy task. In which you hardly take 10-20 minutes.

1.First of all make your blog with Blogger.Com.
2. Select your blog's domain
3. Use a good blog template
4. Do the blog setting well
5. Publish by writing a blog post.
6. Seo to rank the post in google
7. Promote the post on social media
8. Blog approved with google adsense
9. Place ads on Blog
10. Now you can start earning money from Google via blog.


Today everyone likes to watch videos on Youtube .This is also a way to earn money from google. Which youtuber is earning millions of rupees and this is the trending way to earn money online from google, which you can also use. The special thing about YouTube is that you can be famous with earning money from it. The way you use text and image on the blog, you have to put videos on youtube. It is very easy to create a Youtube channel that you can make money from. How to earn money from Youtube.

1. First of all make your channel on Youtube.
2. Keep a unique and short name
3. Apply Youtube channel art
4. Apply Youtube logo
5. Create and upload YouTube videos.
6. Use youtube video custom thumbnail
7. Use keyword in title, tag, description
8. Promote video on social media.
9. Complete 1000 subscriber.
10. Complete 4000 hours watch time youtube video.
11. Now connect your youtube channel with google adsense.
12. As soon as your YouTube channel is monetization enabled from google, ads will start coming on your video.
13. Now you will be able to start making money from youtube with the help of google.

Google Play Store

You can find millions of apps in Google play store .Do you know ? You can earn money from google by creating your own app. This is an online business. Which is growing with online digitalization. In today's time, you get to see many apps in everyone's smartphone. And in this apps too, you are shown ads. So if you want to make a lot of money from google, then you can earn by creating your own app. To earn money from a website and youtube channel, you have to link it with google adsense. In the same way admob has been created by google to earn money from any app, which you can earn money by placing ads on your app.

1. First find a unique idea to make an app.
2. Create your app and design it well
3. After creating the app, put admob ads on it.
4. Publish the app in google play store.
5. Share your app with social media and your friends.
6. Promote your app through online ads.
7. The more your app is downloder, the higher your income will be. In this way you can earn money from google by creating an app on google play store.

Now we tell you Google tools that help you earn more and more from Google.

Google Adsense

Google AdSense is a program with the help of which you can earn money from blogger and YouTube. This is an ads network. Which pays the most for its ads. So to earn money from blog and YouTube, first of all you have to get approved with google AdSense. Just like an advertisement is given on a TV channel, in the same way google AdSense shows your advertiser's advertisement in internet world. Which many people earn millions of rupees. You get to see ads of google adsense on every blog and website. You get paid when a user sees these ads.  

1. First of all there should be an email id
2. You should have YouTube channel or blog
3. After this create your google adsense account
4. Approve your blog and YouTube channel with google adsense. 5. Complete 100 $ in Google adsense account
6. Now you can transfer your money to bank account.

Google adword

Google adword is one such tool. Which every advertiser uses. Google adword is used for all the advertisements that appear on the internet. It is a keyword research tool. With the help of which you can promote your product online. If you do affiliate marketing or you want to sell your product online, then you can use this tool from google. The result of which you get very good. Let us tell you that to run your advertisement online, you have to pay some amount to google. Which you can sell any of your services and products online. This is a better option for those who want to sell their product online.

1. First go to google adwords website.
2. Create your acount in Free.
3. Find the keywords on which you want to run an advertisement to sell the product.
4. Run ads with the help of Google adwords.
5. In this way, you can earn money from google by selling online product with the help of google.

We have told you about ways to earn money from google .If you want to earn money from google, then which method suits you best. You can use it. I hope this post has been very helpful for you and if you have any question in your mind, then write us in the comment box .and those who want to earn money from google, share this post with those people.

1 comment:

  1. This is my first time i visit here and I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially it's discussion, thank you. best way to get extra money
