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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How To Start Your Online Tutoring Business (Steps Needed)

The online tutoring business is developing so quickly with the help of technological innovations and extensive usage of the internet. Both parents and students are enjoying the online learning experiences.Of course, it’s not easy to just start tutoring online. You’ll need proper online tutoring platforms.

Not sure how to start as an online tutor? This Article will give you some ideas on how to start your own tutoring business.
how to start this tutoring business?”
A tutor helps the learners to improve in grades, giving tips for preparing for exams, provide feedback, and motivate them. You will experience a massive difference by becoming an online tutor. The following is the standard process for starting an online tutoring business.

Determine your requirements

Research and analyze different niches before facilitating your business plan. Thus, you will have an explicit understanding of the industry and skills you want to deliver to learners.

You might have the following questions striking on your mind before the planning:
Who is your target audience?

How will you persuade them to choose you above others? What’s your “unique selling proposition?”
How will you compete in the market with your competitors?
Teaching online gives many opportunities for tutors, whether you are a professional teacher, subject matter expert, or even teen with good knowledge on a particular topic.

The online tutors should have the teaching experience with a subject-specific certification. This will help you to create a trust factor on students and parents.

Know your audience

You need to evaluate your audience after doing market research about your customers' needs and requirements.

Who are the students and people that need your help? In what area do they need help? Are they waiting for someone like you to help them?

Determine the characteristics of the users based on their age, behavior, location, etc. Target these needs, and wing it with your innovative ideas.
Choose your subject topic

From your skills, choose topics that you will be comfortable teaching. Gather the lessons you want to cover for the students. Having an advanced degree or specialization in the topic will give you an additional advantage.

It is essential to choose the area of expertise on a topic, because you can share your core and constructive knowledge to enhance the student’s skills.

Choose a specific course pattern

After the in-depth analysis of characteristics of the audience, find the specific needs that match your skill, so that you can improve and personalize more in the new course.

Determine the category of courses like video courses, written format courses according to your requirements of online tutoring. Look at online tutoring platforms for tutoring that facilitate classes by video conferencing, whiteboards, text chat messages, etc.

Eventually, you can develop your business model with the niche requirements to stand at a zenith among your competitors.

Choose an online platform to sell your courses

After having the knowledge of how to start an online tutorial business, you choose the right platform for your online courses. There are two options available for starting a tutoring business:

Sign up with existing tutoring websites
Create your own tutoring platform
Register as an online tutor on a tutoring website
You will find many online tutoring platforms like Udemy, Udacity, SkillShare, Edx, … Every online website has its own business model with different features and specifications.

For example, Udemy is a platform that allows online tutors to create and sell their courses on their website across the globe. You can sell the courses based on the business model of Udemy, and start get your own revenue by teaching through the online platform.

Starting on an online platform is as simple as filling in your basic credentials, and bio, and optionally completing it with a profile photo, tutoring preferences, … Many companies also ask certificates and ID for proof of education. Before your profile is made public to students, it has to be reviewed and approved by the service.

There are other platforms that provide online video tutorials in which you can schedule live classes with one-on-one or one-to-many tutoring sessions, and provide teacher-student interaction. These platforms also provide a real-time classroom experience that makes the learning experience more engaged.

Create your own online platform

If you want to start your own online tutoring business by creating an independent website, you will need to do some more work. For a basic online tutoring business, you will need the following resources to proceed with:

A domain name with your website’s address: When you decide a name for your brand, you will have to do a domain name registration to run your website. The domain name is the unique internet address at which your website will be reachable.
A hosting account to store your website data and files: Hosting services will keep your website live and active on the internet. There are many hosting companies that offer to host. You just need to set up an account, and purchase a subscription based on your needs.
An online platform to sell your courses: Decide if you want to teach on a third party platform, or want to build your own tutoring website. You can also set up a website of your own if you are a designer, web developer, or tech-savvy.
Different approaches to creating online e-learning platforms
Starting from scratch and building a completely new website is a traditional methodology that is mostly applicable to launch large-scale websites. This method is time consuming, takes a lot of effort, and resources to finish the project. Of course, there are other easy and ready-made services available to build your own personalized online platforms quickly.

Custom Solutions: This is the best alternative and easiest way to build a customized e-learning platform. These platforms have available scripts in the market at a reasonable price. If you want to do customizations on your existing website, you can do so by modifying the source code (or hire a developer to do so). As the scalability depends on the tech stack of your platform, you have the liberty to edit, modify, and upscale the software according to your needs, as the source code is with you.

Manage your courses

Once you have chosen your platform, upload your courses to the website. Add a logo, color scheme, and customize your courses to create your unique brand. Update your courses in regular interval of time, because the outdated information will lead to negative feedback among the learners.

Accustom yourself with online collaboration tools
Many online tutoring websites provide innovative online tools for tutors for interacting with students. For example, it is recommended to tutors who handle topics like science and math to have a digital writing pad and pen.

But there’s more! The edtech landscape is huge, and if you want your students to be able to collaborate with each other, you should take a look at these collaboration and brainstorm apps. In this post about project based learning, there’s also a part that talks about collaboration tools.

Market your e-learning platform

An active website with a lot of courses will not give you customers by itself. There are thousands of competitors who are already at par. You need to prepare a marketing strategy to make your business successful.

Implement the marketing agendas on social media like Facebook ads. Choose low-cost marketing methods initially to grip up your product by doing advertisements.

The following points will help you on how to market a tutoring business.

Engage the audience with email marketing by sending welcome emails to new subscribers. It will create engagement with your audience. You can also use push notification software to convey your information in a faster way.
Write blog posts. This will help you grow your email lists. Promote your courses in online forums and communities.
Forums are a good starting point for sharing. Find a forum or community where you can interact with other tutors and students.
If you are financially sound, you can drive traffic via paid ads like Facebook or Google ads.


  1. Double thumbs up to your blog. I would like to thank you for what you have written as I was looking for steps to start online tutoring business for my sister. She wants to start this business and make it like Eloorn, the online learning & teaching platform. Now, I am gonna share this with her and hope this will help her in achieving what she wants.

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