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Monday, January 6, 2020

How to earn money from whatsapp ? various ways

How to earn money from whatsapp ? various ways

At present, almost everyone is well versed with Whatsapp. Because currently not only WhatsApp but all social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. have all become a way of living. Presently, the first thing that a human being does after getting up from bed would probably be to check the notification of any social media platform that he has subscribed and man keeps doing this work from morning till evening after equal interval. Since people are so attached to these platforms, now the question arises whether this linkage can be monetized. online earning also refers to earning money from social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter etc. Since presently, almost half of the population in India also has smartphones and data connectivity is available, due to which people use social media apps like WhatsApp etc. This is the reason that often people want to know whether money can be earned using Whatsapp. There is no way of earning directly through Whatsapp. But on the other hand it is also true that money can be earned using WhatsApp. This is to say that WhatsApp itself does not allow advertisements or commercial transactions, so it does not even pay you directly. Still there are many ways to earn money using this platform, which we are going to mention in this article.

Making money by making content viral
On the internet, not one but millions of websites are filled with different types of content, advertisements and articles. Therefore, if a person wants, he can also earn money by sharing these useful content with his WhatsApp contact. To earn money from Whatsapp in this system, a person should get Paid URL Shortening Services like shorte.

Promoting Affiliate Links

Another way to earn money from Whatsapp. You can call affiliate marketing as a platform where the user promotes a specific product of a company and upon successful sale, the user gets a commission from that company. Amazon, for example, is a very good affiliate-marketing platform not just in India but globally. The commission in affiliate marketing depends on which product is chosen by the person to sell. That is, the company based on products, so different commissions are determined on different products, determines the commission. In this method, a person has to choose a product that he can sell easily. The company provides a unique affiliate link to each person and every sale made through this link gets that person's registration. So to earn money from Whatsapp, an individual can share his affiliate link in WhatsApp group and contact.

Pay per download

Pay per download network, also known as PPD Network in its short form, according to the rules, a person is paid when the file uploaded by him to this network Is downloaded by a user through. Therefore, to earn money from Whatsapp in this method, one must first register on a PPD website and upload a work file and that link has to be shared in their WhatsApp group and contact. Openload is one of the best PPD Website in the world, it gives high payouts to its members and the special thing is that it is very easy to sign up and get started. In this PPD website, you can easily upload all movies, pictures, songs or other interesting videos.then you can share this link with WhatsAppContact. After that the person gets money on every download via that link, but the amount of money can vary depending on the download capacity.

Other ways to earn money from Whatsapp:

Apart from the above mentioned ways of earning money from Whatsapp, if a person is running a business, then he can use WhatsApp to promote his products and services. This will also help him to increase his business income. If the entrepreneur wants to use the file sharing feature of this app, he can send anything graphics, video etc. to his contact. You can also promote your business by directly sharing the link of your website. Apart from this, the entrepreneur can use the video calling feature of Whatsapp to host an e-conference and put their ideas on this platform. The enterprise can also provide live customer support through WhatsApp to its customers.

In this way we see that there are many ways to earn money from Whatsapp, but if a person does a business, then he can increase his earnings by using WhatsApp as a great tool of sales and marketing. Apart from this, users who have good networks in WhatsApp can also be able to take advantage of it effectively and share their various content with people.

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