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Monday, December 23, 2019

Aadhaar card can be made without ID proof and document, know what is the way

Aadhaar card has become an important document in today's time, it is needed everywhere. Sometimes the work stops without the Aadhaar card. Aadhaar is a 12-digit special number, issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). This number is different for everyone. In India, an ID proof is required to create an identity card, open an account or take advantage of any scheme. Now even without any document (DL, Ration Card, Passport or Voter ID Card), Aadhaar card can be made. If you do not have any document then how will your Aadhar card be made.

There is no need to worry in this. In this aahaar card making process , it is important that someone in your family is already have a Aadhaar card. If the head of your family has an Aadhaar card, there will be no problem in creating a new Aadhaar on it. Actually, a document of your relationship with the head of the family is sought. 

If this is not possible, then there will be no problem in building the base. You can take help of the Introducer present at the Aadhaar center. The applicant who needs to make an Aadhar card needs some documents to show his relationship with the head of the house. In which there are other documents like PDS card, MNREGA Job Card, CGHS / State Government / ECHS / ESIC Medical card, Pension Card, Army Canteen Card, Passport and more, the card will be made.

It can be easily made. MAadhaar mobile app has been launched by UIDAI. Download this app in your mobile phone. However, to use the mAadhaar app, your mobile number must be registered. If your new number is not updated or you do not have a registered mobile number, then for this you will have to go to the Aadhaar center, there you will be able to update the number.

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