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Monday, December 23, 2019

How to Students and unemployed can also get credit card ?

The importance of credit card cannot be denied in changing times. It is becoming very popular among the youth these days. Getting a credit card is quite difficult for students, self-employed and many others.

 Apart from this, new employees who have no credit history, also have to face many difficulties to get a credit card. But such needy people can also get credit card. We are telling in this post how they will get a credit card. If other banks give a credit card to someone from other sources,first of all, let us see if that person will be able to pay the credit card money. In such a situation, it is not necessary that he should be an employee, but it is important that he should have a source of income. This simply means that if there is no source of income, even if there is no job, you can get a credit card. As a source of income, FD, RD, trust money, rent, freelancing etc
Many banks offer credit cards on FD. In this, banks offer credit cards to customers who want to open FDs with them. Those who do not have a permanent job can avail credit card in this way.

How will students get credit card?

Students can also take credit card. There are many banks in the country which are offering credit cards to students. However, the credit limit of these cards is lower than that of regular credit cards. Credit cards for students get low interest rates, joining and renewal fees. What is an Add-on card? An Add-on card is an additional card, issued under the primary credit card. It is usually issued to those close to primary card holders, children above 18 years and parents. If someone is unemployed and someone in his family has a primary credit card, then he can take advantage of the add-on credit card.

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