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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to become a Property Dealer/ real estate consultant / real estate broker / property agent?

Real Estate Business is counted among the largest businesses in the world. The business of buying or selling land, house, shop etc. is growing rapidly in world, because of this, there are countless opportunities available in this business today. One of those opportunities is a very important and beneficial opportunity to become a Real Estate Consultant or property dealer.

Who is a property dealer / real estate consultant / real estate broker / property agent?

Property dealer is a person who works as a mediator in selling or renting a house, shop, land etc. In a way, it is the bridge between the property owner and the buyer or the tenant and together these two parties make the deal final. In return for this work, he gets commission or brokerage, which can range from a few thousand to several lakh rupees. Becoming a Property Dealer or Consultant is a job in which you can earn without any cost.

Registration for Property Dealer

Some time ago, to become a property dealer in India, no registration was required, But due to increasing fraud in this area, the government has made it mandatory to register with RERA to become a property dealer. Now you have to first register with RERA to get into this business.

Tips to become a successful real estate property dealer

1)   Focus on more than your experience
   It does not require much technical education to start a business. Some private institutions offer such courses, but you can learn this business better than experience. Approximately 6 months to 1 year experience is perfect to start this business. Learn these things while taking experience, through which property can you find the customer, and how can you get the legal documents, which is important.

2 ) Use soft skills and maintain credibility:
 As a property dealer you have to deal with the landlord or land owner as well as your customers daily. In such a situation, your communication skills should be good. You should not only come to talk politely with the concerned parties but you should give utmost importance to the trust factor in each of your activities. Many times, in this business, the property owner is not present to show the property himself and the gave key to premises to real estate agent. So if you do not fit into the trust factor, less people will deal with you. The easiest way to create trust - work by opening an office, maintain transparency, and fulfill the commitment you make.

3) Find property
In which area you want to do this business, you need to have a complete inventory of that area, you have a mobile in your hand and two-wheelers to move around, and then the best area is the first one. A list of which property is for rent and for sale. Every day, you will get good property information from daily newspaper through search of property, you can get property on the internet. Facebook group page created on social network, Whats app can also get good information. The most important thing is to find property through your contacts. Once you work hard, you can prepare a database of properties. If taken, now all you have to do is find a right customer for them.

4) Find customers
You can get these customers through these mediums:
By opening the office - It is necessary to be in the right place from where the customer can contact you easily.
News - By giving small advertisements in the newspaper, Local channels. You also can create your own website and google, facebook pages to promoted your real state business . Actually, there is a lot of competition in this field and if you loose even a little bit, then your business will go to someone else.

5. Making a balance between the customer and the property owner.
it happens in every deal that the customer is not able to agree to the price of the property. if the property dealer does not handle this condition then the deal is canceled. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of the property dealer to maintain a balance between the two, because many times it happens that the customer does not give as much as the price of the property, but keeps his own separate price. The property dealer tells the owner the demand of the customer, then the property owner keeps his price, it is the property of the property dealer to get the two parties to deal among themselves.

How much can the property dealer earn?

earning depending on your work. How do you balance between the two sides? If the deal is confirmed, you can get 1 to 2 percent as commission. Because in this work, many claims are made. If both parties agree at once, then you can get some extra benefit.

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