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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Who discovered gold ? How to invest in gold ? Where does gold come from?

Thousands of years ago a child finds a shiny rock in a creek, and is introduced to the gold rush for the first time. Gold Nuggetsgold was first discovered as a shining, yellow nugget. Gold is where you find it, so called, and gold was first discovered in its natural state in currents in the world. There is no doubt that it was the first metal known for early hominids. Gold became a part of every human culture. Its brilliance, natural beauty, and shine, and its great flexibility and resistance to tarnish, make it enjoyable to work with and play. 

Where does gold come from?

Since gold has spread widely across the geological world, its discovery many different groups have occurred in many different areas. And almost everyone who found it was influenced by it, and it was also the developing culture in which they lived. Gold was the first metal widely known for our species. When thinking about the historical progress of technology, we consider the development of iron and copper to be the biggest contributors to the economic and cultural progress of our species - but gold came first. Metals are the easiest to make gold. It is in an almost pure and practical state, while most other metals are found in ore-bodies which cause some difficulty in smelling. The early uses of gold were no doubt true, and its brilliance and durability linked it to the gods and royalty in civilizations.

Gold Coins Gold has always been powerful stuff. The earliest history of human interaction with gold has long been lost to us, but its association with deities with immortality, and wealth as well as is common to many cultures around the world. Early civilizations have led to gods and rulers. Compared with gold, and gold was demanded in his name and dedicated to his glory. Humans almost instinctively place a high value on gold, equating it with power, beauty, and cultural elites. And since gold is widely distributed throughout the world, this is what we think of gold everywhere in ancient and modern civilizations. Gold, beauty, and power have always gone together. In ancient times gold was made into temples and statues (golden calf), plates, cups, vases and vessels of all kinds, and of course, jewelry for personal decoration.

'Gold' is one of the most precious metals in the world. Even though it is no longer used as a currency, the metal still plays an important role in the economies of many countries. Gold is very popular as a long-term investment option and is considered an additional option in the investment portfolio. Another reason is its high liquidity. Furthermore, it is the right item to beat inflation and other market risks.

How to invest in gold:

You can invest in gold in many ways and use it to achieve different types of investment objectives. Some special ways through which you can invest in gold. Some of the ways to invest in gold are as follows:

Gold jewelery: Gold jewelery is one of the traditional ways of investing in gold. In it you go to the jewelery seller and buy gold jewelery of your choice. But, if you want good returns in your investment, then you should avoid this investment option. This is also because its investment cost includes not only the price of gold, but also jewelery making and other charges. You do not get their full amount when selling again. Thus, you move to loss rather than profit. The government has also fixed a limit to keep gold ornaments, about which you should also be aware.
Gold bars and gold coins: For those who are willing to invest in physical gold, gold bars and gold coins, this is a better option than gold jewelery as other fees including making are not included. Also, gold jewelery is made of 18 carat to 22 carat gold, but gold coins and gold bars are of 24 carat gold. You can buy gold coins and gold bars from banks or jewelers. But banks do not buy it back when reselling them while jewelers buy gold from their customers.

Buying shares of gold mining companies: Buying shares of gold mining companies is another better option to invest in gold in India. There are more than 500 gold mining companies in India, in which investments can be made. The share prices of these companies are dependent on the gold prices in India. Apart from gold rates, other factors like cost of production also affect returns.

Gold Funds of Funds (Gold FoFs): Gold Fund of Funds, also known as Gold Mutual Funds, are open-ended funds that invest in Gold ETFs. They come as a portfolio of stocks involved in mining, storage and distribution of gold. Even if it is a market-linked gold investment option, you do not need to open a DEMAT account for this. Even if you do not have enough knowledge about gold, you can still handle it. If you choose this investment option, you will have to pay a nominal brokerage fee for buying and selling ETF units.

Gold Exchange Traded Funds (Gold ETFs): If you are well versed with Gold Mutual Funds then it will not be difficult for you to understand Gold ETFs as both Gold Mutual Funds and Gold ETFs are mutual fund investments. Gold ETFs are listed and traded on the stock exchange. Therefore, DEMAT account is necessary for this. This investment option will include a brokerage fee, which is a nominal fee for buying and selling units of gold ETFs.

When to invest in gold to get higher returns? : When to invest in gold or when to invest in gold gives the best returns, this is an important question for new investors, which is also true. But truth be told, there is no definite time to invest in gold or get high returns. The reason for this is that gold is an ideal long-term investment option, which means that you should invest in it for at least 5 years to increase your chances of high profits. There are also many changes in the market over this long period. Because there are various factors affecting gold prices in India, it is also difficult to estimate the market position after 5 years. If you are able to read and understand the positive signs beforehand, then you take the right steps in this direction. Can. For example, if you are able to detect inflation in the market, then act on it as soon as possible. The faster you are able to understand these signals, the more you can make a profit on investing in gold. A fall in stocks or political turmoil can be a strong sign of inflation or devaluation of the currency. If you are able to understand such signs then you can invest in gold.
Gold can be quite profitable as an investment option, especially when other investment options fail. Gold investment products have different risk and return-profiles, liquidity characteristics and fees. Therefore, before investing in gold, consider all the options available in the market and choose according to your investment objectives. Under which circumstances, investing in gold would be the best option, do thorough research on it. Also pay attention to the advice of professionals. Also try to understand how gold investment products perform with other assets.

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