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Friday, December 20, 2019

how to earn money from playing online games ?

Playing games one of the best parts– whether board games on family night, video games after a long day of class or work, or role-playing games on the weekends. If you love games put them to work creating income for you. Some methods I share with you to make some money through games.

Play Online Games .

Sites such as Paytm,MPL and MyPoints offer their members opportunities to play online games in exchange for points – and these points can then be traded in for gift cards or even Cashback!

Provide customer service for other gamers.

Many gaming studios are under the impression that they don’t have the bandwidth or resources to provide constant player support, which encourages gamers to seek help over peer-to-peer networks like community forums. While that may work sometimes, studios have more control over the customer service experience if they provide their own support channels. And especially with the rapid emergence of online and mobile games, it’s more important than ever for players to get the help they need so that they continue to stay engaged.Often these positions are part-time but well worth your time when you love gaming.

Become a play tester.

A playtest is the process by which a game designer tests a new game for bugs and design flaws before bringing it to market. If you enjoy really getting into the guts of a game and pushing it to the limits – basically, trying to break it – then becoming a play tester may be a good fit for you! As a play tester, You’ll need to provide equally extensive reporting on how the game responds. Some of these positions actually require a geographical location – like being close to the game company’s headquarters – but many companies are also considering remote play testers these days. To find these positions, keep an eye on your favorite companies’ websites – they will occasionally put out a call for play testers. 

Become a professional gamer.

This is a risky method for making money off playing games, but it may be worth it if you enjoy the thrill of competition! Professional gamers need to be the best of the best, and if you want to get into eSports. You may need try out for and make an eSports team full of the best of the best. That comes from winning championships and landing investors or endorsements; as eSports become bigger, they’re attracting more attention and more money, with prize pools adding up to millions of dollars.

Become a gaming coach.

When sports develop, a whole industry follows  and where there are many potential professional gamers, there are just as many teachers and coaches! You can get in on this developing industry by putting your gaming experience to work as a coach. If you already have a solid reputation as a professional gamer .you could recruit private students directly. If you are a skilled professional gamer? You could become the coach of an eSports team.

Write blogs for games.

If you are a talented and creative writer or artist, you may be able to write or produce art directly for games! While it can be incredibly difficult to break into video game writing, writing for tabletop games can be a very attainable gig for freelance writers with tons of game experience. In addition, for artists, this is even truer.

Become a YouTube Celebrity.

If you love gaming but are you also funny and engaging? Do people love listening to you talk about video games, and laugh at all your jokes? Then you have the potential to turn that into money.There’s a lot of competition, but truly entertaining gamers can become YouTube celebrities and earn ad revenue off videos of them talking about and playing games. You can do Let’s Plays, where people watch you play a video game while you narrate what you are doing, or even simply review games. If you become popular enough, you may even receive complimentary merchandise from game companies who hope you will talk about them! Just understand that you will need to hit 10,000 lifetime views on your YouTube channel before you can start showing ads, and you will likely want to keep it family friendly to ensure a large audience.

Stop wasting your time if you love to play online games and spend your time competing with other gamers and get paid for winning competitions. Very many sites will pay for playing online games.

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