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Friday, December 20, 2019

How To Marketing Your Ecommerce Site ?

If you don’t have any existing social media channels for your business, or a list to promote your store too, you probably won’t get much traffic to start. Sellers who implement these tactics will have a diverse marketing strategy— one that enables long-term connections with returning customers and offers opportunities to engage and attract new buyers. What you need to do is invest in marketing your e-commerce store to the world. Here are a few of the most common e-commerce marketing methods:

Content Marketing

With an e-commerce store, you have a multitude of opportunities to create content. You’re creating content that’s geared towards picking up backlinks or social media shares. Often, content marketing will not give you immediate results, but instead, it is something that can provide you with traffic over the long-term.

Social Media Marketing

Social media can be a great way to increase brand awareness while driving traffic back to your e-commerce site. There are many social media networks out there, but the ones you will probably find the most value in are Instagram and Pinterest. Both of these are more image-driven platforms, so they align well with selling products. Instagram will give you a way to display your product itself, along with how it’s commonly used. While Pinterest gives you the opportunity to create and share content that is related to your niche and drive targeted traffic back to your site.  Do not spread yourself thin by using all social media platforms. Instead, focus on the channels that their buyers are actually using. You can track which platforms their buyers are using the most with data-driven tools, like Google Analytics.

Most of the e-commerce business prefer to promote their website through social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram. These sites are great to display your products/designs.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has been used to build some wildly successful e-commerce stores. If you are not familiar, it is the process of reaching out to influencers on Instagram and having them promote your brand and products to their audience.

You have the option of doing paid shootouts, but you might also be able to find accounts who will mention your product free in exchange for your product.

PPC Advertisement

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a type of marketing where companies pay for every click that their ad receives. The most common type of PPC is search engine advertising, with Google AdWords being the most popular PPC software. AdWords enables you to create ads that appear on Google’s search engine and place your ads through an auction process. You bid on a keyword, and ads are chosen based on bid amounts and the ad’s quality score. Link your Analytics and AdWords accounts to measure customers’ activity after they click on a Google ad.
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even Snapchat are all examples of social media channels that utilize this paid advertising model.

Email promotions

Email marketing is an easy way to target buyers with promotions that are catered to their specific needs. Customers are mainly interested in how your product can benefit them, so they are more likely to engage with discounts and offers that serve their wants.
Store visitors who viewed products but never made a purchase would benefit from an email discount for first-time buyers.

Social Media is becoming increasing effective for marketing e-commerce store. We are glad to see you place it on the top of your list. Especially with the growth of Pinterest, Tumblr and other Visual Social Networks, e-commerce stores are generating higher referrals than before. We have several Etsy, Shopify clients who experienced good results on Social Media compared to other channels.

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